Replay: Decided by the following parts: light source: a key factor because it will affect the size of the solar panels and batteries, the greater the light source, the longer lighting time, the latter two will increase, increase the cost rises a. Solar panels: the impact of the European debt crisis, the price of solar panels in 2012 than the 2011 price fall will half rose again next year, but, according to experts. Battery: solar panels price similar to the price calculated in accordance with the capacity size. Pole: Price calculated in accordance with the size of the height. The lamps will also have some impact: according to the material and shape charges Engineering degree and mold. Controller: nothing to say, dead price, dozens of yuan, 100 yuan, 200 yuan has. The degree of modeling complexity: the more complex shape, work is more trouble, according to the workers to work live, which is the cost. Material: aluminum, steel, or cast iron. Summary: not very changing lamps and controller, price changes as the light source, solar panels and batteries. |