In recent years, the use of solar energy has developed rapidly into. Welcomed by local residents in the northern and western regions of the country, the promotion and application of solar power. Economically developed countries in order to protect the natural environment, more and more people are using solar energy for lighting. New battery companies in Germany, Switzerland, Japan, and the United States are under trial a play tiles. Western Germany, existing buildings and light battery has reached 500 gigawatts of capacity! China solar cells for energy area, generally the more inaccessible areas or nomads. There is no power grid, inaccessible, culture and the economy is relatively backward. However, the more expensive the price of solar installations, promote the application in order to save investment, usually smaller power supply to drive home appliances. Thus, only with electrical high efficiency have practical value. Solar power generation in China, the use of solar energy can not be referred to as the highest in the world, but the large amount of their applications, broad range, as well as the potential market demand and many of the international concern; Today some rural solar cells has been applied driven pumps for irrigation of crops. Some remote areas using solar power as a microwave relay station. In some of the small mountain village, an a separate solar cell power as a night light. There are large-scale solar cell composed of camp for centralized power supply system. For solar-powered light source based on the characteristics of solar-powered and electric light technology development in a single lamp lighting the place can lamp power Size Select choose different types of light sources.