Solar water heater is not heating the water for drinking

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is not heating the water for drinking

In daily life, why not drink with the heater heating the water? This is mainly because, whether it is solar water heater, or electric water heater, there is a tank, ever use water stored in it, over time may well be the breeding of bacteria, so contamination of the water before boiling. Under such circumstances, do not drink the water.

    Shanghai Ms. Zhang Q: A few days before the day is hot, I display the temperature of the solar temperature to 100 ?. I want to drink if the water heater, so that both energy-saving and convenient, can we not use them yet. Drink with a kettle of boiling water burning with solar water heater can not burn 100 ? the water drink it?

Zhejiang University School of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Professor Pan Lili A:

We heated water for drinking purpose is to eliminate the bacteria in tap water, so water is more sanitary, usually until boiling, boil will be assured of is to drink.

But in fact, as long as fresh water heated to above 70 ?, which can be completely killed the bacteria, and you can drink up.

As with electric kettle or electric water heaters, gas water heater, to heat, and water it does not matter whether the drink, in theory, with the water heater can heat fresh water to drink.

But in everyday life, why not drink with the heater heating the water? This is mainly because, whether it is solar water heater, or electric water heater, there is a tank, ever use water stored in it, over time may well be the breeding of bacteria, so contamination of the water before boiling. Under such circumstances, do not drink the water.

In addition, even if the water heater temperature to ensure that there are 100 ?, can not rule out the outlet pipe of plastic material is heated to release toxins.

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