Selection of solar water heater tips

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Selection of tips

    Are three or four months every year since the spring peak of renovation, in addition to a variety of building materials, home appliances also buy a concentrator, located, many families are using and energy conservation, but also safe, but many of my friends have encountered to the problems of solar water heaters, and today I come to tell you about:

Under normal circumstances, each one bath of hot water to be 20-40kg, 6.5kg each tube can be heated in water, according to family size and can be used to estimate the required bathing water heater capacity.

In the absence of water areas to the use of solar water heaters, and can use the pump in Sheung Shui, an additional an additional auxiliary tanks and solar water heater the same height, to store cold water, so that against the cold water bath.

May be due to vent blockage, when the water into or discharged, or within discharged air is not immediately replenished, the formation of internal and external pressure difference, resulting in breaking up or deflated tank.

The size of the tank and vacuum tube count of the relationship?

General design is based on bathing water heater hot water temperature required for the design, general design of solar water heater temperature range is 400C ~ 900C, water heating each tube approximately 6.5kg.

Vacuum , Sheung Shui, what issues should pay attention to?

As the vacuum in the air drying, the tube can reach temperatures of about 2500C, so water in the tank or the first time before sunrise or in the Sheung Shui to be a half hour after sunset.

How to determine the pros and cons of solar water heater?

Solar thermal solar water heater is a kind of part of the entire water heater including collector, heat storage part, stand part. Determine the merits of the most important part of the collector is the collector component based on the absorption rate and the divergence rate, which is the relevant materials and production process.

Thermal energy storage device is the water heater\\ s warehouse, its quality assurance are two: First, do not leak, and second heat. Liner is the main welding, weld strength and quality of interior materials are corrosion is the key to the decision other insulation materials, insulation, cold regions must use thicker insulation.

Support for the host part of the bracket operation to ensure the correct position collector components, it needs to have the same host of other components of life, which requires good strength and corrosion resistance, determine its merits, it can be visually material, thickness, surface treatment.

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