Why no hot water solar water heater?

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Why no hot water ?

July 28, Ms Tang reflect, she spent 7000 yuan to buy solar water heater, no hot water after installation, she suspected that the product has quality problems, for return, the matter still unresolved.

In June, Ms Tang in Xixia Reiko Park Street, a store bought brand of two light Tsinghua solar water heater, the total price of 7,000 yuan. Ms Tang and the dealer was agreed, the first payment of 5,000 yuan to pay the remaining costs after installation. Subsequently, the dealer sent to Ms Tang, home to install a solar water heater can be installed after a good but not out of hot water. Ms Tang said she reflects the situation to the dealer, the dealer sent to her house view, the maintenance personnel to her home and did not repair water heaters, have the rest of 2000 dollars, and said that if the remaining money is not paid, they no maintenance. She once again find the dealer, the dealer due to bad attitude, this matter has been dragging.

Subsequently, Ms Tang complained to the business sector. Business personnel investigation, does not, that is the case. Ms Tang suspected quality problems, request a return.

Noon, the reporter found the dealer Ma. He explained that Ms Tang, no hot water, as workers installed, Ms Tang\\ s bad attitude, installation workers angry, not connected to the tube. \"I was looking for the business sector mediation, then the remaining $ 2000 I do not say, and to Ms Tang, the solar water heater installation is good, two-year warranty, but Ms Tang do not agree, I have no idea.\"

What is the product quality problems or are there other reasons? In Xixia industrial and commercial, was responsible for mediating the matter of Trade and Industry officials told reporters that Ms Tang received a complaint, they found the distribution of solar water heater business, and require the production of Tsinghua University light solar water heater test report. Upon inspection, the process is complete, there is no problem. And according to relevant regulations, if the product problems, they should first maintenance, repair bad it returns. Dealers are now attitude is very positive, but Ms Tang to refuse service, they also difficult to mediate. Can only suggest that Ms Tang to resolve the matter through legal channels.

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